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27th May 2022

Horizon Zero Dawn TV series being developed for Netflix

Danny Jones

It’s the latest in a swathe of movie and TV adaptations announced by Sony

A Horizon Zero Dawn TV series is reportedly in the works for Netlfix as Sony announces even more adaptations of numerous blockbuster PlayStation franchises.

Speaking in an investor briefing on Thursday, Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Tony Vinciquerra reportedly revealed that among the multiple games being turned into films and TV series, the Horizon franchise is set for the TV treatment, as per Hollywood Reporter.

Tweeting after the visual presentation, insider David Gibson confirmed that in addition to the Guerilla Games IP, a God of War series – announced back in March – has been confirmed for Amazon, not to mention the somewhat surprising news of a show centring around the iconic Gran Turismo racing games as well.

In addition to the likes of the highly-anticipated The Last of Us HBO show, the Ghost of Tsushima movie which has now found its screenwriter and even Twisted Metal series, there are now said to be more than 10 screen adaptations in the works based in association with Sony’s burgeoning PlayStation Studios.

Given the success of the likes of the Uncharted movie adaptation starring Tom Holland, Vinciquerra insisted that the company is still “100% committed” to the big, premium blockbusters in their slate but recognises the potential to carve out a space among their competitors for “moderately-priced” on streaming services.

As for Horizon, Guerilla’s sequel, Horizon Forbidden West, only launched back in February but it is already being talked about as a potential game of the year contender – and it’s clear the level of cinematic scope and production value has been noted by those in Hollywood.

While adaptations of popular games haven’t always landed in the past – especially when it comes to movies – the tide seems to be turning in recent years, with the likes of The Witcher, Uncharted, Sonic The Hedgehog and many more now starting to return positive reviews and the viewing figures to boot.

With so many beloved PlayStation IPs now being entrusted to screenwriters and directors, fans can only hope they are re-envisioned faithfully and that the recent advent of successful attempts continues, bringing even more non-gamer eyes to what is already the largest industry in the entertainment sector.

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