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11th Mar 2022

Brazen couple caught having roadside sex in Google Street View photos

Danny Jones

They seem very aware the camera is there…

A couple have been caught having roadside sex on Google Street View photos in Australia. Well, we when say caught, they could very well have done so intentionally but we’ll let you be the judge.

As you can see in the clear, broad light of day, the two Aussies were captured – without putting it too bluntly – going at it by the side of the road.

Sex caught on Google Street View

The mystery love-making pair have not yet been identified from these saucy images and it’s not thought that they were arrested over the act.

In case you were wondering, not only are public indecency and sex in public both against law in South Australia but the latter could land you either a fine of $1,100 (AUD) or up to six months in prison.

And yes, of course, there is a better angle:

Couple caught having roadside sex on Google Street View

We’re not going to be so bold as to accuse them of being brazen enough to do so intentionally and ‘pose’ for the photo as such… but the couple don’t look particularly caught off-guard by the passing Google Street View van and, as we know, photobombing Google is a prank as old time.

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