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24th Apr 2017

Samsung owned a Twitter troll with a brief and brilliant response to ‘dick pic’ tweet

'I'm switching to Samsung just because of this tweet'

Conor Heneghan

All it needed was one emoji to put this Twitter troll in its place.

In the digital media age, social media plays an increasingly important part in the way big brands go about their business.

It’s often the best way to engage and interact with customers and all the better for their public image if they can show a bit of humour while they’re at it.

Last Friday, Samsung Mobile US posted a tweet to their 5.3 million Twitter followers, asking those who had purchased the new Samsung Galaxy S8 to send on the first picture they took with their new smartphone.

Twitter being Twitter, the tweet attracted some smart-alecy responses, with one user implying that the first picture taken was one of his genitals, thankfully without providing any photographic evidence.

That tweet in itself was retweeted over 4,500 times, but it was undeniably trumped by Samsung’s response, which required only one emoji to put the troll in his place.

Well played by Samsung and they were happy to live off the compliments too…

He’s going to need some ice for that deep, deep burn.