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31st May 2022

Stripper claims she can read markets better than bankers – warns recession is coming

Kieran Galpin

‘Every single stripper I know is a better trend forecaster than any finance bro or marketing exec’

A stripper who says she can read the stock markets better than “any finance bro” has claimed that a recession is on the way.

Twitter user @botticellibimbo, who works as a stripper in New York, has foretold troubling times ahead. She argues that strip clubs are “sadly a leading indicator” of economic health and explained how “upper-class white men are behaving and spending their money.”

“We always have to be aware of fluctuations in the market and how upper class white men are behaving and spending their money,” she wrote. “Ask ANY stripper we have to be aware of how rich people are going to spend their money, stripping is betting on how the rich spend their money. You’re gonna tell me that isn’t just a stock exchange?”

She further argued that the business world and strip clubs are “deeply integrated” as “energy salesmen bring their clients” and “recruiters bring prospective finance bros.”

Another Twitter user shared their own thoughts in the comments and wrote: “In jan/feb of 2007, a friend of mine who was stripping at the time told me, the club is way too dead for way too long.

“Sell all your stock right now, then buy it back after it crashes. i thought she was crazy. but she did it, and she ended up almost doubling her money.”

When asked whether he recommends selling stock, he replied: “Not at all! Just an anecdote to support the idea that strippers often have a good feel for financial trends because they observe their customers’ spending habits, and their customers are often the people causing the trends / involved in the trends.”

Her claims are somewhat substantiated by industry experts but as many have argued, nothing is for certain. Just last week, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) predicted a recession in the second half of this year, reports The Guardian.

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