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28th Sep 2015

A bundle of pot dropped from the sky and smashed a family’s dog house


Some may see it as a curse, others would think every Christmas had come at once.

How would you feel if a marijuana package was dropped on top of your dog’s kennel while you were sleeping?

Like a cartoon stork dropping off a baby, a bundle fell from the sky on to Maya Donnelly’s German Shepherd’s house in Arizona. The package was so heavy, it smashed through the roof of the family’s carport, but fortunately pooch Hulk wasn’t inside.

Officers responded saying that an aircraft probably dropped the load while smuggling drugs from Mexico to the US.

preparation of marijuana cigarettes with ambient light

Police chief Derek Arnson said that it was the first time in his career that he had seen damage to a house done by drugs dropped from the sky.

He told the Daily Telegraph: “Someone definitely made a mistake, and who knows what the outcome of that mistake might be for them.”

The family joked they could have covered the cost of the damage had they kept the goods to sell.

Next time eh…
