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07th Apr 2016

Police are hunting a man after a vibrating cock ring caused a bomb scare

It's just like scene out of "Fight Club"...

Carl Anka

Always look after your sex toys. After all, they look after you.

A town in central Germany had a day to remember when a vibrating cock ring inadvertently caused a bomb scare.

A casino in the town of Halberstadt in Saxony-Anhalt played scene to the event, as a staff member heard a “strange humming noise” coming from the trash can in a men’s bathroom and rang police on Tuesday afternoon when she heard, officers said in a statement.

Following proper protocol, police evacuated 90 people from nearby streets before the bomb squad was brought in to investigate the sound.

Only to find a cock ring. Someone dumped a cock ring into the gent’s of a casino causing a bomb scare just like that scene out of Fight Club…

The ring’s vibrations were particularly loud, police said, because of the echo from the metal trash can.

“Whoever deposited the object intentionally there isn’t yet known,” police said, but noted a criminal investigation is underway to find the culprit.

Look after your sex toys gang, or risk being subject to a criminal investigation.


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