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02nd Jun 2020

America continues to reel a week after death of George Floyd


A week on, the anger hasn’t gone away

The United States remains in the midst of angry protests more than a week on from the death of unarmed black man George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police.

While protests began in Minneapolis, they quickly spread across the country and increased in their ferocity. In Los Angeles, bystanders recorded of a row of burned out police cars, while in Washington DC protesters grew closer and closer to the White House.

In an incredible step on Sunday night, the lights of the presidents residence were switched off as Donald Trump was briefly moved to a bunker for his own safety.

On Monday evening a defiant Trump spoke to the country from the White House’s Rose Garden and declared himself “an ally to peaceful protesters”.

As he spoke, police were violently dispersing protesters with tear gas and flash bangs. He also declared a national curfew and announced that he was ready to deploy the military to deal with protesters.