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18th Jul 2016

Woman calls 999 to complain that someone stole her Pokemon

Why would you do this?

Conor Heneghan

This feels like it was inevitable.

Pokemon Go has officially been in the UK for a few days now, so no doubt many of you reading this spent the best part of the weekend experiencing for yourself a game that has taken the world by storm.

Which is all well and good. Enjoy it, sure, but do so without being a danger to yourself or others. It can undoubtedly be a force for good, as one mother in New York discovered.

But if you’re going to enjoy Pokemon Go, take a leaf out of the Vancouver Whitecaps’ book, or play the game in peace like these Borussia Dortmund footballers.

Don’t be like the guys who walked off a cliff in San Diego or this lady, who actually called Gloucester Police with the following Pokemon-related complaint.

Ignoring the tenuous interpretation of the word ’emergency’, what were the police supposed to do to resolve the situation?

Was she expecting them to send out a car full of Pokemon trainers to recapture it? Or for an officer to replenish her stock of Pokeballs to help deal with things?

We’re glad the officer in question gave her the short shrift she deserved. Snapchat