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30th Sep 2016

BBC newsreader moved to tears live on air as Syrian baby hauled from bomb rubble

It was heartbreaking to watch...

Ben Kenyon

Journalists are seen as cold-hearted and dispassionate when it comes to some of the horrific news stories that break.

But even the most hard-faced and thick skinned newsreaders could not fail to be moved by the story of a baby hauled alive from the rubble of deadly air strikes in the Syrian city of Idlib, which claimed the lives of 11 citizens including seven children.

Seasoned presenter Kate Silverton was moved to tears live on BBC news after a report on the one-month old child who was discovered alive among the bomb debris by rescue workers.

Cameras captured the moment the baby girl was plucked to safety by Syrian White helmet rescue worker Abu Kifah, who was combing ruined houses following air strikes in the city which is 40 miles away from Aleppo.

Mr Kifah was filmed crying tears of joy and relief at saving the life of the little girl, who was found alive and only having suffered cuts and bruises in a bomb blast.  While it was a tiny glimmer of hope, it’s heartbreaking to see normal people having to suffer through the harrowing chaos of the Syrian conflict.

The child was rushed to a nearby hospital and Mr Kifah, clutching the child to his chest, could be heard crying “ya Allah” or “oh God” over and over again, according to the Daily Telegraph.

The girl’s rescuer later told Orient News: “With the help of God, we were able to recover the baby girl. Thank God, the baby girl did not have any single injury.

“When I held her, I thought of her as my own baby girl… I took her to the hospital while I was holding her close to my chest as if she were my own daughter.

“When I held her close to my chest, I was deeply touched.”

The incredible rescue footage was broadcast on BBC News and the emotion on Kate Silverton’s face was clear.

It brought the presenter to tears and as she tried to continue with the next bulletin her voice wavered and tears rolled down her cheeks.

Silverton, who has two young children, was inundated with messages of support on Twitter after the rare display of emotion covering the heartbreaking story.

She later tweeted a thank you to followers.

