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21st Feb 2022

Biggest saltwater croc in captivity died of ‘stress’ after ‘eating schoolgirl’

Charlie Herbert

The croc was 21ft long and weighed 157st

The largest known saltwater crocodile in captivity has died following two years of “stress” and a “fungal infection.”

Named Lolong, the croc was declared the biggest of its kind in captivity by the Guinness World Records in 2012, clocking in at a massive 21 feet long and weighing just under a ton.

However before being captured, the animal was suspected of having eaten a fisherman from the Philippines and was also believed to have bitten a 12-year-old girl’s head off two years earlier.

After the killing of at least one person, a three-week hunt ensued for Lolong. He was eventually captured and became the star attraction at a tourism park in the Philippines.

Speaking to the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper, a local Mayor said: “He refused to eat since last month and we noticed a change in the colour of his faeces.

“Our personnel also noticed an unusual ballooning of the reptile’s belly.”

It was suggested by one local vet that unseasonably cold weather could have sparked the beast’s decline in health.

Lolong eventually died in February 2013 of a fungal infection and the stress of being in captivity.

Lolong’s body is packed in ice after his death (Getty)

After an image of the croc lying immobile in its back was shared on the Reddit community ‘depressingasf***’, interest was reignited in Lolong’s sad tale, the Daily Star reports.

One Reddit user wrote: “Even more depressing when you realize just how incredible a crocodile’s immune system is. They can live in really nasty water and be absolutely fine.

“The level of filth they must have had this one in for it to die from an infection… it must have been literally sitting in its own shit for 2 years.”

An autopsy is performed on Lolong after his death in February 2013 (Getty)

However others thought that it could have been much worse for Lolong and that the creature was fortunate to be killed after its alleged crimes.

Another said: “He ate two people which is why they hunted and captured him. At least they didn’t kill him outright which often happens with animals suspected of preying on people.”

After his death, an autopsy was carried out on Lolong to establish how he died.

The croc’s body is now kept in the National Museum of Natural History in Manila.

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