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25th Jun 2016

Boris Johnson’s father has used a racial slur about Ireland on live TV

Paul Moore

Ladies and gents, the father of Britain’s next potential Prime Minister.

Former London Mayor Boris Johnson is one of the bookmakers’ favourites to replace David Cameron as the UK Prime Minister, following Cameron’s resignation in the wake of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.

As you may know, Johnson is prone to making a multitude of gaffes and saying some highly controversial statements. For example, he once said that women only attend university “to find men to marry”. He also referred to black people as “piccaninnies”. It appears that the Prime Minister-in-waiting picked up this talent for controversy from his father, Stanley.

Johnson’s father was on the Channel 4 show The Last Leg recently and he frequently used the term ‘Irish Bog Rat’ to describe Tories. Take a look.

Naturally, there were a lot of people that took umbrage with this highly inappropriate and racist remark.