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28th Mar 2019

MPs clear schedules for unplanned Brexit debate tomorrow

Is this Meaningful Vote 3? probably not

Oli Dugmore

Is this Meaningful Vote 3? probably not

MPs will sit on Friday to stage an unplanned Brexit debate. Events have been cancelled, diaries cleared and additional staff called into parliament.

Leader of the House Andrea Leadsom announced a “motion relating to the UK’s exit from EU” will be tabled but frustrated MPs with ambiguity over whether or not the government would bring its battered Brexit deal back for a third time.

Downing Street clarified after that the Brexit motion tomorrow will not be a “meaningful vote” under the terms of EU withdrawal legislation.

The executive has been locked in a battle with the Speaker John Bercow who, citing 400-year-old precedent, said he would not allow the House to be asked to vote on the piece of business repeatedly – particularly given the historic scales of previous defeats.

Leadsom said: “We recognise that any motion brought forward tomorrow will need to be compliant with the speaker’s ruling and that discussion is ongoing and a motion will be tabled just as soon as possible and obviously by later today,” Ms Leadsom told parliament.

“The House rightly needs time to address our exit from the EU and our constituents will rightly expect us to work out how to do so.

“Colleagues will note that at this moment in time we’re not bringing forward the motion for Easter recess.

“I know members have a great deal of responsibilities to carry out in their constituencies and with other matters, however the House rightly needs time to address our exit from the EU and our constituents will expect us to work flat-out.

“I will seek to provide further clarity on recess dates as soon as possible.”

Number 10 sources have insisted the debate will not feature a third meaningful vote, it is reported. However, seeing as the Speaker is insistent on significant change being made to the withdrawal agreement before it returns to the House, the government would have to say that.