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19th Oct 2016

British Transport Police are investigating an apparent racially aggravated assault on the tube

Carl Anka

British Transport Police are investigating what is believed to have been a racially aggravated assault on the London Underground.

The incident, which appears to have taken place at Upton Park train station in East London, involves one man in a black hoodie gesturing towards an Asian man in a blue coat as the train makes a stop.

As the doors are about the close, the assailant throws a punch at the head of the Asian gentleman before trying to make a getaway.

Immediately after throwing the punch, a woman sitting next to the man in blue jumps up and chases the attacker down the platform, yelling at him to stop and for someone to call the police.  As the clip ends the woman is still giving chase, but it believed the man escaped.

It is not known if the passenger is Muslim however British Transport Police are referring to it as a hate crime.

The whole incident was caught on video, and was posted on Twitter by Miqdaad Versi, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain.

On Twitter, the British Transport Police for the Victoria Line wrote: “The investigation is still ongoing and therefore we are unable to make any further comments at the moment.”


