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19th Oct 2021

CCTV images ‘show Amess murder suspect hours before attack’

Charlie Herbert

Police have until Friday to question the suspect

Police are studying CCTV images taken close to the home of the man suspected of killing Sir David Amess.

Video footage shows a man walking with a backpack across his right shoulder and his hand in his left pocket.

It was filmed from outside a convenience store on Highgate Road, Kentish Town, at 8.44am on Friday (October 15), just hours before the attack.

Police have been questioning 25-year-old suspect Ali Harbi Ali over the attack, who is thought to live at a house in nearby Lady Somerset Road. This residence was searched by officers over the weekend.

The manager of the shop that provided the footage told the Daily Mail that a detective visited him on Sunday (October 17) looking for the footage.

Ismet Cengiz told the publication: “She said she was investigating the MP’s murder and asked to have a look at the CCTV footage.

“They wanted to look at the street outside between 8.30 and 9am. After a while, the officer said she had found what she was looking for and took the footage.”

Amess was killed on Friday morning after being stabbed several times while holding a surgery in his constituency of Southend West.

Police have until Friday October 22 to question the suspect. Scotland Yard has already said the early investigation revealed a “potential motivation linked to Islamist extremism.”

But it is thought Mr Ali had never been a subject of interest for security services.

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