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07th Nov 2018

Dead pimp Dennis Hof wins election in Nevada

Wayne Farry

Dennis Hof died in October, but that did not stop him winning an election this week

Dead American pimp/brothel owner Dennis Hof has claimed victory in the race for Nevada’s 36th Assembly District this week, defeating the living Democratic candidate Lesia Romanov.

Hof won in the predominantly Republican district of that included his hometown, Pahrump. Despite his death on October 16, Republicans in the district had encouraged voters to choose Hof, telling them that – essentially – a dead Republican was better than a living Democratic.

And the results of the vote appear to suggest that voters agreed as Hof, who called himself the ‘Trump of Pahrump’ and wrote a book genuinely called ‘The Art of The Pimp’, defeated Romanov by more than 7,000 votes.

After the election victory, Hof’s campaign manager Chuck Muth described his victory in Biblical terms.

“It’s kind of like Moses,” Muth said Tuesday. “He’s not going to make it to the promised land with us… but we hope he’s watching from the great beyond.”

The election of Hof, who died after a weekend celebrating his 72nd birthday and was reportedly found by pornstar Ron Jeremy, is said to represent something of a headache for the Republican party, with every commission in the county now required to nominate a candidate to fill the seat before a vote takes place.