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06th Jan 2019

Donald Trump says he ‘can relate’ to workers not getting paid during government shutdown

James Dawson

‘And I’m sure that the people that are on the receiving end will make adjustments’

Donald Trump said that he “can relate” to federal workers who are not getting paid as his partial government shutdown entered its 16th day.

Asked in a press conference on Sunday if he understood “the pain of federal workers who can’t pay their bills”, Trump replied that he could.

“And I’m sure that the people that are on the receiving end will make adjustments,” he said. “They always do. And they’ll make adjustments. People understand exactly what’s going on. But many of those people that won’t be receiving a paycheck, many of those people agree 100 per cent with what I’m doing.”

Around 800,000 federal workers are believed to be facing financial uncertainty as a result of the stand-off, with around 420,000 employees considered “essential” working without pay and the remainders being ordered to stay home.

The shutdown – which means 25 per cent of the US federal government currently has no funding – is the result of Congress refusing to agree on a budget for Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico.

The Senate previously reached bipartisan agreement on a budget, however, the president refused to reduce the $5.6 billion (£4.4bn) in funds he is demanding for its construction.

Trump claimed on Sunday that he might declare a national emergency to secure money for his wall.

“I may declare a national emergency dependent on what’s going to happen over the next few days,” Trump told reporters.

He added: “We have to build the wall. It’s about safety, it’s about security for our country… We have no choice… it’s a very important battle to win.”