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21st Feb 2017

Donald Trump expected to issue another travel ban against 7 Muslim countries this week

Tony Cuddihy

Donald Trump’s ban on Muslims will be revived this week.

Donald TrumpĀ is expected to sign a revised immigration order banning people from seven countries from entering the country.

As before, those countries are Libya, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen and Somalia, all predominantly Muslim countries.

There are some minor alterations to the initial ban which was deemed illegal by the American court system; there is no indefinite travel ban on Syrian refugees.

Good Morning America also reports that people from those seven Muslim countries who have permanent American residency or dual citizenship will not be affected.

Trump’s initial executive order was put in place on 27 January; admissions from the seven countries mentioned above was suspended for 90 days, with refugee admissions suspended for 120 days.

The ban was suspended by a Washington state district court judge on 3 February, much to Trump’s annoyance, with an appeals court later declining to block the decision of the Washington judge.