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08th Dec 2015

Donald Trump criticised after calling for a block on Muslims entering the USA

Easy to see why

Paul Moore

On a very serious note, there’s a distinct possibility that Republican candidate Donald Trump could end up in the Oval Office.

But if he’s going to become the next President of the USA, it seems that he’s fully committed to the idea that there’s no such thing as bad publicity.

In the wake of the tragic California shootings, Trump has called on a “total and complete” block on Muslims entering the United States.

We all know that Trump is prone to making ‘dramatic’ statements but his latest remarks have rightfully led to accusations of ‘fascism’ and racism’.

This draconian view on the world is indefensible and self-explanatory.


President Obama called on his fellow Americans to overcome any fear and divisiveness by saying “Muslim Americans are our friends and our neighbours, our co-workers, our sports heroes. And yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defence of our country. We have to remember that”.

As always, Trump used Obama’s message of openness and social inclusion as an opportunity to go on the offensive with this ill thought-out tweet.

Thankfully for Mr. Trump, Twitter users were on hand to quickly help him out.

Trump even quoted Ali on social media before. Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump.