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27th Mar 2021

Boris Johnson says England on course for lockdown easing, despite third wave in Europe

Simon Lloyd

Boris Johnson claims England remains on course

Boris Johnson says England remains on track with its roadmap out of lockdown, despite a third wave of coronavirus spreading across continental Europe.

Monday will see outdoor gatherings permitted in England once again, with more restrictions being lifted on April 12 – including the reopening of shops, gyms and hairdressers.

Speaking at the Conservatives spring forum, which is being held virtually, the Prime Minister joked that he will soon be able to go to the barbers and the pub once again.

“As things stand, I can see absolutely nothing in the data to dissuade me from continuing along our roadmap to freedom, unlocking our economy and getting back to the life we love,” he added.

On the rising coronavirus cases in Europe, he added that it was still unclear what impact that might have on the UK, though he did suggest that past “bitter” experiences suggest it could take three weeks for it to show up on these shores.

“The question is – is it going to be, this time, as bad it has been in the past? Or have we sufficiently mitigated, muffled, blunted impact by the vaccine rollout?

“That’s a question we still don’t really know the answer to.”

As England prepares to lift restrictions on Monday, Wales has already suspended travel restrictions within its borders. Families there are now permitted to meet with families for the first time in weeks.
