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24th Dec 2015

Facebook serves up some Christmas karma for burglar who left his phone at scene of crime

Simon Lloyd

Although it’s supposed to be a season of good will to all mankind, unfortunately, Christmas is also the time of year when you’re most likely to have your home broken in to.

With many of us attending parties and family gatherings, opportune thieves have been known to take advantage of this and there’s usually a spike in burglaries in the period of time around Christmas.

One man in Wales was recently on the wrong end of such a crime – when tools and a brand new mountain bike were stolen from his shed.

But with the alleged burglar keen to make a quick getaway, a mobile phone was left at the scene.

Wales Online claimed that the victim of the burglary in Tonypandy, Rhondda hilariously made use of the phone to make sure the stolen items were returned.

Having scrolled through pictures on the phone, he was quickly able to get an idea of who the burglar was.

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Going one stage further, he also made use of the contacts in the phone to ensure that the items were returned.

Taking to Facebook, he posted: ‘You have probably now realised that you left your mobile phone on top of my shelf with the torch app still on. VERY SILLY BOY.

‘Not only do I have your phone and all photos, I have just spoken to DAD, UNCLE… and they have all given me the same name.

‘You have until 9am tomorrow morning to knock my front door with the mountain bike and every single tool you have stolen.

‘After 9am I will be calling… MAM MOBILE, NAN HOUSE and BOSS HOME.

‘The ball is in your court. Just remember I know who you are and where you live, it’s whether you want everyone on Facebook to know.’

After the post was shared thousands of times, the person allegedly responsible returned the items, accompanied by his dad.

The alleged victim now believes that the man said to be responsible was “truly sorry” for what he’d done. Speaking after receiving his items, he explained that he resisted the urge to “give him a slap”.

“With regards to all the comments about giving him a good slap: even though this morning I wanted to, by the time he got here his dad  and uncle had already seen to that.”