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25th Apr 2022

Multiple fires at oil depots in Russia’s Bryansk, near Ukraine

Danny Jones

Footage captured on social media shows at least two fires burning in the city of Bryansk

Large fires have broken out at multiple Russian oil depots according to local media and the nation’s emergency ministry. No one is currently thought to have been injured.

The first reported fire, which is believed to have sparked on Monday at around 2am local time, occurred at the oil storage facility owned by pipeline company Transneft in the Russian city of Bryansk.

While the cause of the blaze has not yet been ascertained and any Ukrainian involvement is still to be verified, officials reported last week that residential buildings in the area had been hit by military forces, injuring seven, as per Reuters. 

Moreover, outlets such as The Moscow Times and the Mail Online are reporting that the fires may have been caused by Ukrainian airstrikes in retaliation to the ongoing invasion.

Rob Lee, a research analyst and senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute got hold of Telegram footage that seems to indicate that at least two fires broke out in the area: one at the aforementioned oil depot and another at a military base containing fuel tanks.

The city, which is estimated to be somewhat of a halfway point between the two nations’ capitals – Moscow and Kyiv – and is said to be where some detachments of Putin‘s troops are currently stationed.

The military expert went on to suggest that a Tochka-U ballistic missile, which he says could have hit both targets given the range, may have been used by Ukraine’s military.

Bryansk is an administrative centre 154 km (95.69 miles) northeast of the Ukrainian border, near the Sumy and Chernihiv regions, and is about 380 km (236 miles) from Moscow.

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