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16th Aug 2021

Footage appears to show Afghans falling from plane after takeoff in Kabul

Kieran Galpin

The airport has become flooded with scared and desperate Afghans

Scenes from Kabul’s airport have been circulating on social media, with the most notable being a video depicting desperate Afghans attempting to stop a plane from taking off without them. One video, in particular, seems to show three people falling from the plane just after takeoff.

A plane belonging to the US air force is seen to be starting its takeoff as an enormous crowd rally around its undercarriage. Despite the inherent danger, these desperate people are attempting to flee Kabul after a successful coup from the increasingly powerful Taliban.

In a separate video, the plane is seen to be flying some height above the capital. It appears as if, one by one, three people fall to their deaths. Onlookers point to the sky, and then the bodies of two men and a woman are recorded on the ground.

Kabul’s airport has become a focal point for evacuation efforts, with the US, UK and other allied nations doing their best to extract government officials. But due to the Taliban locking down the land borders, terrified citizens are fleeing to the only place they know to be free of Taliban control.

Despite all commercial flights having been cancelled, and Foreign embassies warning people to only go to the airport if requested, the Afghan people are still crowding the airport, whether that be via official entrances or over the walls.

The US embassy in Kabul said the situation in the city was unpredictable. “The security situation in Kabul is changing quickly, including at the airport,” it said. “There are reports of the airport taking fire; therefore we are instructing US citizens to shelter in place.”

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