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30th Mar 2021

Further investigation needed to rule out Covid-19 lab leak theory

Simon Lloyd

The theory that Covid-19 emerged from a laboratory leak has yet to be completely ruled out

Further investigation is required to conclusively rule out the theory that Covid-19 was leaked from a Chinese laboratory, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.

While Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said it is extremely unlikely that this is the case, more supportive evidence is needed before it can be completely dismissed.

Former US President Donald Trump was amongst those who suggested the virus might have originated from a Chinese laboratory, a claim the Chinese government has repeatedly dismissed.

The virus’ origins were examined by a group of experts who travelled to Wuhan, the city in which it was first detected, two months ago. They looked into every possible cause of the virus, including the theory that it emerged from the city’s Institute of Virology.

The institute is the world’s leading authority on the collection, storage and study of coronaviruses within bats.

The team of experts were able to examine samples of evidence which were provided to them by officials.

However, according to a report by WHO and Chinese experts – seen by AFP news – the lab leak theory has been deemed as highly unlikely.

Instead, the virus is thought to have been passed from bats to humans through another animal.
