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16th Apr 2015

Homeless man finds bank account with enough money in it for a house

Simon Lloyd

A homeless American man who had spent years sleeping in in a cardboard box has found out he has a forgotten bank account – with ample money to put down on a house.

John Helinski, 62, made the discovery when police and social security workers were looking to find him temporary accommodation in a homeless shelter.

Unbeknown to him, benefits had been paid into the account throughout the time he was out on the street. Helsinki had completely forgotten about the account and the bank that it was with had also changed its name during that time.

‘I guess I’m exhilarated, excited, you know,’ he said in the report on ABC News.

Still in temporary accommodation, Helinski is hoping to use his new found fortune to move out in the near future.

John might be a little forgetful, but after years out on the street, it’s hard to begrudge him the good hand that fate has dealt him.



