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23rd May 2017

Homeless man rushes to help victims of Manchester attack and is now given somewhere to stay

Paul Moore

“Just because I’m homeless doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart”. Steve is one of Manchester’s many heroes.

At incredibly tragic and horrific times like these, it’s easy to let despondency and sadness consume you as the world is till trying to process the horrific events that occurred in Manchester.

Nobody will ever forget the 22 people that tragically lost their lives, and as the Greater Manchester Police seek the public’s help to identify the vermin who committed this act, people are taking comfort in the many acts of random acts of kindness that demonstrate the true meaning, spirit and resilience that defines Manchester.

Taxi drivers, NHS staff and  members of the public have demonstrated the very best of Britain after they rallied through this horrific moment with various acts of remarkable decency and kindness.

In what could be described as an example of good karma, the British public have really resonated with this story about Steve, a homeless man that was at the scene of these horrific attacks.

Speaking with ITV, Steve says : “Just because I’m homeless doesn’t mean that I’ve not got a heart. I’m still human still. They needed the help, I’d like to think that someone would come and help me if I needed the help. It’s just instinct to go and help, if someone needs your help and it was children. I mean, it was children with a lot of blood all over them.”

Aside from the incredibly humane help that he provided to these children and teenagers, Steve and a friend also provided potentially life-saving medical treatment to a woman that suffered a horrific cut on her abdomen.

“Some lady, she got cut from her side here, so my mate had to hold her legs up and then an ambulance came and they assisted her after that. We just held her legs up because we thought she was just going to bleed out.”

Since Steve’s story of heroism went viral, the public have been deeply moved by his swift intervention, kindness and compassion. In what’s a clear example of the idea that ‘good things happen to good people’, a fundraising page has since been set up with the aim of raising money so he has a place to stay.

So far, the £500 target has been exceeded. It’s clear that the British public have a lot of respect and admiration for this heroic man.

Here’s his interview in full along with a link to the fundraising page.Â