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22nd Dec 2018

Jeremy Corbyn says Brexit would go ahead if party won a snap general election

James Dawson

The Labour leader has admitted his preference is to “go back and negotiate” with Brussels

Jeremy Corbyn has said that he would still push forward with Brexit even if the Labour party wins a snap general election in the new year.

The Labour leader told the Guardian that he would continue Britain’s withdrawal from the EU, but “go back and negotiate and see what the timetable would be” with Brussels.

“My proposal at this moment is that we go forward, trying to get a customs union with the EU, in which we would be able to be proper trading partners,” he said, adding that it was “for the party to decide” whether to back a second referendum.


He also criticised EU regulation around state aid and competition that are a requirement of single market membership, saying it could provide a blockade to his legislative agenda were he to become prime minister.

He said: “I think the state aid rules do need to be looked at again, because quite clearly, if you want to regenerate an economy, as we would want to do in government, then I don’t want to be told by somebody else that we can’t use state aid in order to be able to develop industry in this country.”

Corbyn also re-addressed criticism this week that he called Theresa May a “stupid woman” in the Commons, saying he had said “stupid people” in reference to those sitting on the opposite benches.

“It’s interesting their sudden concern about these matters. Where is their concern about the homeless people of this country?” he added. “Where is their concern about universal credit? Where is their concern about 200,000 children living in poverty in this country?”

The interview comes following a week that saw Corbyn attempt to table a motion of no confidence in Theresa May’s leadership after she announced in the Commons that the “meaningful vote” on her EU exit deal would take place in January.