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27th Feb 2019

It’s official, Labour now back a second referendum

Jeremy Corbyn made a statement after a Labour amendment was defeated in the House of Commons

Oli Dugmore

Jeremy Corbyn made a statement after a Labour amendment was defeated in the House of Commons

The Labour party now supports a second referendum on the UK’s withdrawal from the European Union.

On Wednesday night an amendment by the party in the House of Commons, calling for MPs to support its Brexit plan, was defeated. The shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer said if this happened they would support another public vote.

After the result was announced Jeremy Corbyn said: “We will back a public vote in order to prevent a damaging Tory Brexit or a disastrous no deal outcome.

“We will also continue to push for the other available options to prevent those outcomes, including a close economic relationship based on our credible alternative plan or a general election.”

MPs voted against Labour’s amendment 323 to 240.

A chorus of party voices , including a shadow Brexit minister, called for the party to now “wholeheartedly” support a second referendum.

Given the leadership’s current strategy of constructive ambiguity on Brexit, it is likely the new position will be limp-wristed – as evidenced by Corbyn’s statement.

Interestingly, in the aftermath Labour frontbencher Richard Burgon tweeted: “Disappointing that Labour’s Brexit motion didn’t pass. But given parliament looks set to extend Article 50, there’ll be further opportunities to secure support for Labour’s alternative Brexit deal.

“This would bring the country together and defend jobs, rights and our security.”

This would indicate the party could still push for MP’s to support its Brexit plan and not give full-throated supported to a second referendum.