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27th May 2019

Former Sheffield mayor who called Donald Trump a ‘wasteman’ elected as MEP

James Dawson

“We’re going to turn the tide of history!”

Magid Magid, the former Sheffield mayor who banned Donald Trump from the city, has been elected as a Green MEP in the European elections.

The local councillor – who served a mayor until earlier this month – was one of six MEPs elected in Yorkshire and Humber, with three seats going to the Brexit Party, and one each to the Lib Dems, Labour and the Greens.

During his time as mayor Magid attracted national media attention for his rants against Donald Trump, including calling the US president a “wasteman” and declaring a day of solidarity with the people of Mexico during Trump’s UK visit last year.

In Yorkshire, the Brexit Party took 36% of the vote share in the region, while Labour polled in second place with 16% share, with Lib Dems taking 15% of the votes and the Greens getting 13%.

Following his victory, Magid wrote on Twitter: “We did it. Today is about a Green Wave cascading through Europe & landing on the shores of Yorkshire for the first time. We’re just getting started.

“This’ll be more than a fleeting midsummer night’s dream in Brussels. We’re going to turn the tide of history!”

His election comes as part of a “Green wave” across Europe that has seen environmental parties perform better than ever before, including in Britain where Caroline Lucas’ party has so far won seven European parliament seats with a 12.1% national vote share.