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18th Dec 2016

Man wakes up almost naked in an empty nightclub the day after his Christmas party

He was so confused he told police he was locked in an office block

Tony Cuddihy

We are slap, bang in the middle of Christmas party season and people up and down the land are destroying themselves in the hope of convincing the boss to give them a raise, while throwing back shots and performing terrible Kings of Leon cover versions.

What a time to be alive.

One gentleman took matters to extremes, or at least he presumes he did – he can’t remember a thing.

The 22-year-old woke up in a nightclub in Manchester wearing just his underpants. The place was empty, and he had absolutely no recollection of getting there.

The last thing he told emergency services he could remember was leaving another party around 1am; he mistakenly sent police to that venue, not realising that he had moved on.

Incidentally, this all took place on Friday afternoon, so he’d been in there for quite a while.

The Manchester police helpfully decided to live tweet the whole thing.

Remember folks: please drink responsibly.

Catch up with this week’s episode of Football Friday Live:

