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02nd Feb 2022

Missing girl, 2, found dead in garden ‘discovered in builder’s bucket’

Danny Jones

More horrific news

Following the discovery of a missing two-year-old who was found dead last week, more updates surrounding the case have now been revealed.

The as-yet-unidentified baby was found by police in Dagenham, east London on Saturday, January 29, with reports now revealing that her body was found in a large builder’s bucket in the family’s back garden.

While her death remains unexplained, three locals are said to have witnessed the body being removed from a bucket and one told officers the child had drowned – however this has yet to be confirmed.

Police and paramedics attempted to save the child, who was reported missing around 4pm the same day, but she was unfortunately pronounced dead at the scene.

Neighbour Shorifa Begum, 44, said she had been informed of the child’s absence after seeing a crowd of seven or eight people outside the house, adding that the “family and cousins had looked everywhere.”

After police vehicles, an ambulance and even reports of a helicopter arriving on the scene, Begum said that she spoke to the mother who revealed her child has died in a black bucket “next to a wall in the garden. A police dog had found it.”

While it is still unclear as to exactly how the toddler passed away, she said that “there was a little bit of water in the bucket.”

The family themselves are only thought to have recently moved into the rented home and Begum said she saw “the mother taking the girl to school in the morning … carry[ing] the girl on her back. “We would say ‘hello’ to each other and they were friendly, but we did not know each other.”

She went on to say that “the [police] dog found her while the family were out. I don’t know why they were out – they may have been told to or they may have been looking for her.’’

Police have confirmed that no arrests have been made at this time and that a post-mortem is due to take place later this week.

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