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04th Nov 2016

Most of the UK now wants to remain in the EU, a new poll finds

Is the tide turning against Brexit?

Alex Finnis

A new poll has shown that if another referendum on Brexit were taken today, the UK would vote narrowly in favour of remaining in the EU.

While 52% of the country voted in favour of leaving back in June, this poll has found that 51% would now be in favour of remaining.

The reason for this slight turning of the tide is mostly down to people who didn’t vote in the actual referendum now having an opinion.

Britain Reacts To The EU Referendum Result

Mary Turner / Getty

Of those who did not vote, the BMG Research poll shows 46% would now take a vote in favour of remaining in the EU.

By contrast, only 27% of the non-voters said they would vote to leave.

The government’s Brexit plans suffered a big blow yesterday when it discovered it had lost the legal case to go ahead and leave the EU without first giving MPs the chance to vote.

What this means is there is now a chance we will not leave the EU after all – something the majority of the country would now back based on this new poll.

High Court Judges Decide That The Prime Minister Can't Trigger Brexit Without MP's Approval

Dan Kitwood / Getty

The government have appealed the ruling, and it will now be up to the supreme court to decide whether or not the referendum alone is enough to allow Theresa May to go ahead with her plans to trigger Article 50 by March 2017.

The supreme court is expected to hear the case on 7-8 December, according to The Independent.

Where do you now stand on Brexit? Have you changed your mind since the referendum? Are you a converted non-voter? Or are you sticking with the decision you made on 23 June?

