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24th Mar 2019

Mueller investigation finds no evidence of collusion between Trump campaign and Russia

Wayne Farry

Mueller has been investigating links between Trump and Russia since May 2017

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into collusion between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team and Russia has not found sufficient evidence that the two parties conspired, according to the US attorney general.

Mueller this week submitted his report to the attorney general William Barr, after close to two years investigating Trump and his campaign team.

He was appointed by deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein as special counsel for the Department of Justice in May 2017, and was tasked with investigating “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation”.

While his investigation has led to numerous convictions, including Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen and former campaign manager Paul Manafort, it has found no evidence that Trump’s team worked with Russian in influencing the result of the election, according to the attorney general.

Speaking after the public release of details of the investigation, Barr stated that “while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him”.

He also said that while Trump may have obstructed justice, there was not clear enough evidence of this taking place.

For an obstruction conviction, Barr said that “the government would need to proved beyond a reasonable doubt that a person, acting with corrupt intent, engaged in obstructive conduct”.

Despite the lack of evidence into collusion, Mueller’s investigation is expected to continue in part, with Trump’s inaugural committee, former campaign officials Manafort and Rick Gates and tips regarding Trump and his family’s businesses from former lawyer Cohen being followed up.

The full report is yet to be released to the public, and its future release will be at the discretion of Barr.

To read the findings released, click here.