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12th Dec 2020

Armed Navy boats on standby as UK and EU post-Brexit trade talks continue


Sunday’s deadline is fast approaching

Talks in Brussels between the United Kingdom and the European Union are continuing ahead of Sunday’s deadline, despite leaders from both sides admitting it is unlikely they will reach a post-Brexit trade deal.

The weekend deadline was agreed by Boris Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen after the pair met in the Belgian capital on Wednesday.

The prime minister has said the EU need to make significant changes to their approach to issues such as fishing rights and business competition rules if an agreement is to be reached in time. Von der Leyen has also added that a failure to reach a deal is the most likely outcome.

With the possibility of no deal being struck, the BBC report that the Ministry of Defence is readying four Royal Navy patrol boats in preparation for protecting UK fishing waters.

Access to UK fishing territories has proven to be a major obstacle during the talks that have taken place so far. The EU have warned that no access to them would mean fishermen from the UK will not be able to take advantage of special access to markets within the EU when selling their own goods.