A court in Norway has found that Anders Behring Breivik’s human rights conditions have been violated in prison.
Breivik, the man who killed 77 people in 2011 in what was Norway’s worst terrorist attack since the Second World War, has won his case against the Norwegian state for inhuman treatment.
After being held in solitary confinement for five years, the 37-year-old took a case against the state earlier in 2016 for “trying to kill me for five years,” despite allegedly having a television, a game console, and computer (without internet) access in that time.
However, judge Helen Andenaes Sekulic ruled:
“The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment represents a fundamental value in a democratic society. This applies no matter what – also in the treatment of terrorists and killers.”
Breivik is presently serving 21 years in jail for his crime.
Cover image via The Telegraph.