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16th Dec 2020

Over 135,000 people have already been vaccinated against Covid in the UK

Josh Kaplan

New figures released by the government show that nearly 140,000 people in the UK have received the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

The minister in charge of the vaccine rollout, Nadhim Zahawi, tweeted out the first numbers of jabs received in each of the nations of the UK.

The results of each of the four home nations are:

England: 108,000

Wales: 7,897

Northern Ireland: 4,000

Scotland: 18,000

Last week the vaccine rollout began in Coventry with 91-year-old Margaret Keenan.

The woman, a former jeweller who turns 91 next week and only retired four years ago, will receive a second jab of the vaccine in 21 days to ensure protection from the virus.

She said: “I feel so privileged to be the first person vaccinated against COVID-19, it’s the best early birthday present I could wish for because it means I can finally look forward to spending time with my family and friends in the New Year after being on my own for most of the year.

“I can’t thank May and the NHS staff enough who have looked after me tremendously, and my advice to anyone offered the vaccine is to take it – if I can have it at 90, then you can have it too!”

Keenan’s vaccine was administered by May Parsons, a Filipino nurse who has worked in the NHS for 24 years.

The NHS has also issued a warning to all trusts where the vaccine is currently being offered to advise patients who suffer from allergies that they might want to avoid the jab.

Professor Stephen Powis said: “As is common with new vaccines the MHRA have advised on a precautionary basis that people with a significant history of allergic reactions do not receive this vaccination after two people with a history of significant allergic reactions responded adversely yesterday. Both are recovering well.”
