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22nd Dec 2015

PIC: Alleged robber with ‘f**k cops’ and devil horns tattooed on head is arrested by police

Not a good look

Simon Lloyd

An alleged robber has been arrested in America, after his distinctive tattoos matched the description of a man who held someone at knife-point while demanding money.

With a pair of devil horns and the words ‘f**k cops’, 27-year-old Paul Terry can hardly be described as inconspicuous.

The victim was in his Tulsa flat in Oklahoma and answered his door when he heard knocking. When he opened it, his ex-girlfriend and a man are said to have barged their way in and threatened to stab him if he didn’t hand over his wallet.

Terry was identified as one of the suspects 24 hours later.

At this stage, it’s best to keep an open mind. We’re sure there’s plenty of folk walking around Tulsa matching this description.

