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06th Aug 2016

This graph shows staggering rise in Irish passport applications from UK and Northern Ireland since Brexit

The numbers don't lie

Conor Heneghan

The numbers don’t lie.

Figures released by the Department of Foreign Affairs have illustrated the staggering increase in Irish passport applications from the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in July, following confirmation of Britain’s exit from the European Union at the end of June.

Such was the demand for Irish passport applications in the immediate aftermath of Brexit that a post office in Belfast actually ran out of forms and the Department of Foreign Affairs figures further illustrate the scale of the requests for applications.

There were 7,321 applications for Irish passports from Great Britain in July 2016, an increase of 3,079 from July 2015, a whopping 72.58%.


In Northern Ireland, meanwhile, there were 6,638 applications for Irish passports in July 2016, a 63% increase on the July 2015 figure of 4,070.


In terms of the total applications received, there was a significant spike in May (one month before Brexit), while there was actually a slight decrease in the total number of applications received in July 2016 compared to the year previous.



All pics via 
