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21st Apr 2016

Pressure heaps on Saudi Arabia following 9/11 controversy

Carl Anka

Tension continues to mount between the United States of America and Saudi Arabia following recent claims over the 9/11 attacks.

Earlier this month it was announced that the Obama administration was to make a decision over declassifying a number of documents that allegedly established a link between Saudi Arabia and the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in 2001.

This week revealed news of a possible economic fallout in the “hundreds of billions” of the documents were declassified.

Now, further tension has been made between the two nations, as fresh information has emerged possibly linking Saudi Arabia with the 9/11 attacks.

September 11 Retrospective

(Robert Giroux/Getty Images)

Officials have revealed Al-Qaeda bomb maker Ghassan Al-Sharbi was holding a flight certificate hidden in an envelope from the Saudi embassy when he was arrested in Washington in 2002.

Al-Sharbi was said to have learned how to fly with the 9/11 perpetrators, but did not join them in the attack. According to The Times, activist Brian McGlinchey claims the new details of the flight certificate would lead to people questioning the extent government individuals were involved.

The reveal comes at a bad time for both governments, as President Barack Obama is currently in Saudi Arabia on a diplomatic visit.
