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09th Mar 2022

Primary school girl ‘shot dead by drunk Russian soldiers as family forced to bury her in garden’

Kieran Galpin

‘People say that the soldiers just got so bored’

A family in Ukraine were forced to bury their child in the garden after “drunk Russian soldiers” shot her in a manic flurry of bullets.

Anastasia Stoluk, or Nastya as her family call her, was only 10 when she was fatally shot in Shybene, 30 miles from the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. Russian troops are said to have started “shooting everywhere they could see” after a Ukrainian boy unloaded shots into the air.


The “drunk” soldiers allegedly forbid Anastasia’s mother, Luba, from going to the cemetery to bury her child so instead, she buried her in the garden.

Family member Vera Dmitrienko, 40, told The Times: “People say that the soldiers just got so bored.

“They looted all the stores, of course they got a lot of alcohol … and got drunk and started shooting.

“They shot into Nastya’s house, she was there with her uncle, and she died immediately. Her uncle was taken to hospital and we still don’t have any information from him.”

She continued: “The soldiers heard it but since they were so drunk they didn’t know where it was from so they just started shooting everywhere they could see.

“They shot in four houses and in one of those houses was Nastya.”


On Saturday, an 18-month-old boy called Kirill was also killed after Russian bombs fell on the coastal city of Mariupol. Mother Marina Yatsko and her boyfriend were pictured laying beside Kirill’s body, laid out on a stretcher alongside other dead Ukrainians.

According to the Ukrainian government, almost 1,000 kids have been wounded since the invasion began in the early hours of February 24. On Monday, the UN also confirmed that 406 civilians had lost their lives, with a further 801 people injured.

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