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Climate Change

31st Oct 2021

Prince Charles labels COP26 as ‘last chance saloon’ for the planet

Danny Jones

Think the ‘last chance’ was about 26 chances ago, to be honest

Prince Charles has warned that COP26 could be our very last opportunity to save the planet, calling it a “last chance saloon” for world leaders to face up and solve the ever-looming climate crisis.

As reported by The Independent, the Prince of Wales was speaking at the G20 summit in Rome on Saturday when he declared “Cop26 begins in Glasgow tomorrow. Quite literally, it is the last chance saloon”, adding that “We must now translate fine words into still finer actions.”

Politicians began arriving in Glasgow for the conference on Friday as protests took place across Europe. High profile activists such as David Attenborough are also in attendance, with the veteran broadcaster and naturalist giving a powerful call to arms.

18-year-old Greta Thunberg make quite the entrance on Sunday too, being mobbed by supporters and members of the media as she after arrived in Scotland by train having joined in a zero-carbon protest herself in London.

The 72-year-old royal and future King stressed an “urgent need” to explore financial mechanisms that will release the vast sums of money in order for nations to take the immediate action that is so desperately needed, calling it “our only hope if we are to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees”.

Like the COP26 president, Alok Sharma, who also labelled the conference our “last, best hope” to hit the 1.5C target, Charles didn’t mince his words but explained that “No government has those sorts of sums – which is why I have spent so much time over the past nineteen months trying to form a global alliance amongst the private sector“.

He closed out his speech with the following statement:

“[…] as the enormity of the climate challenge dominates peoples’ conversations, from newsrooms to living rooms, and as the future of humanity and Nature herself are at stake, it is surely time to set aside our differences and grasp this unique opportunity to launch a substantial green recovery by putting the global economy on a confident, sustainable trajectory and, thus, save our planet.”

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