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27th Nov 2021

Queen has private mobile phone but only answers it to 2 people and not her sons

Kieran Galpin

The Queen is presumably not a fan of Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call me maybe”

According to a top royal commentator, the Queen has a private mobile phone that connects to only two people.

Royal commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti says that the Queen is an android girl, which makes a lot of sense. He also says that the Samsung device has anti-hacker encryption developed by MI6.

But Queenie isn’t scrolling through Twitter or posting to anti-Meghan Markle message boards as you might expect, and will not pick the phone unless one of two people is calling.

So who are the two people?

The first is her daughter,  71-year-old Princess Anne, while the other is her racing manager and horse confidant John Warren.

Sacerdoti told US journalist Christina Garibaldi: “Apparently the Queen has two people who she speaks to the most on her phones.”

He added: “She also apparently has a mobile phone which is said to be Samsung packed with anti-hacker encryption by MI6 so nobody can hack into her phone.

“But the two people she phones the most are said to be her daughter Princess Anne and her racing manager John Warren.”

Sacerdoti says if Warren calls, then Lizzie answers as it will probably be about horses and not what happened on Bake Off.

He adds: “He is the son-in-law of the Queen’s friend, the late Earl of Carnarvon and his home was Highclere castle in Berkshire which viewers of TV may know better as Downton Abbey.”

But if you are one of her sons or extended family, you might have to use the landline to contact the Queen as she is busy chatting about horses with Warren.

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