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06th Oct 2021

Raab: ‘Misogyny is wrong whether it’s man against woman or woman against man’

Danny Jones

Oh dear…

It seems the recently appointed Justice Secretary, Dominic Raab, may not understand the definition of a fairly important socio-political prejudice after he claimed “misogyny is absolutely wrong whether it’s a man against a woman, or a woman against a man”.

Speaking live on BBC Breakfast earlier this morning (October 6), Raab was asked his thoughts on Boris Johnson‘s comments that he does not support calls to make “misogyny a hate crime”, to which he replied with the following:

Upon being prompted for clarification, Raab went on to qualify that he thinks just dealing with “insulting language, even if it’s misogynistic, doesn’t deal with intimidation, violence and the much higher level of offence, harm and damage”, that cases like Sabina Nessa and Sarah Everard have raised once again.

However, Raab – clearly having not taken the hint – is then read the dictionary definition of misogyny: “hatred against/directed towards women”.

Though he was clearly commenting on the damage that can be caused by any sexist attitudes towards another person and/or gender – whether that be towards a woman or a man – the question was specifically regarding misogyny, which is still deeply rooted in British society.

As for the comments that presenter Sally Nugent refers to at the beginning of the clip, the Prime Minister was interviewed by Dan Walker during the early morning show on Monday October 4. As you can see below, he comments that “rather than introducing new laws, what you need to do is enforce the existing laws.”

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