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17th Apr 2016

Saudi Arabia ‘threatens US’ over release of secret 9/11 documents

Saudi Arabia has warned of an economic fallout that could be in the billions.

Carl Anka

Saudi Arabian officials have reportedly told the United States that they plan to sell off hundreds of billions in American assets if Congress passes a bill in relation to the 9/11 attacks.

Earlier this month it was understood that Barack Obama was to make a decision on declassifying a number of documents about the attacks on the World Trade Centre in 2001.

According to former Florida State Senator Bob Graham, the 28 pages of material may prove the perpetrators of the attacks were “substantially” helped by Saudi Arabian government, financiers and charities.

Now on the eve of President Barack Obama’s visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, the New York Times reports Saudi Arabia would be forced to sell up to $750bn in US treasury securities and other assets before they could be frozen by American courts if the documents were declassified.

September 11 Retrospective

Photo by Robert Giroux/Getty Images

It is understood that Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister has warned Congress of the potential economic fallout releasing the documents could entail.

The news follows further pressure being heaped on the Obama administration over the controversial papers. The papers have previously been considered a risk to national security but New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, who has read the report, along with Senator Bob Graham, have said the 9/11 victims’ families deserved to read the report before Mr Obama visits the Middle East.

If the bill was to pass through both houses of Congress and signed by President Obama, it could open further examination on Saudi government in the 9/11 lawsuits. A decision could be made within the next 60 days.
