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26th Mar 2021

Scientists create nose-only masks so people can eat safely

Charlie Herbert

This might be a step too far…

Scientists in Mexico have developed a strange new type of mask that is designed to allow people to eat and drink whilst still protecting themselves from Covid-19. The mask only covers the wearer’s nose, and is designed to be worn beneath a normal face covering as well.

There is plenty of evidence to show that the nose is one of the key entry points for the virus, but the advice from the World Health Organization remains that people should wear masks covering their mouth and chin as well for the best protection.

It’s also got to be said though that, putting the science to one side for a second, they do look utterly ridiculous.

In the video released showing the masks in use, a man and woman are seen enjoying a bite to eat and a drink, whilst having a chat with the nose masks on.

Previously, people have been able to remove their face masks when sat at a table in a restaurant or pub, but must have them on when entering, leaving, or walking around the establishment. Similar rules are likely to be in place when (and if) hospitality venues open up over the coming weeks and months.

Having seen how much people have struggled to get their heads round normal face coverings and masks over the past year, it would be a surprise to see these catch on.
