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12th Apr 2016

People really love Dennis Skinner’s ‘Dodgy Dave’ smear about David Cameron

"Do what you like!"

Jordan Gold

That time when you insult the prime minister at work…

Labour MP Dennis Skinner delivered a furious tirade at David Cameron on Monday, which lead to him being kicked out of Parliament by house Speaker John Bercow for “unparliamentary language”.

Mr Skinner twice referred to Cameron as “Dodgy Dave” in the course of his speech:

Does the prime minister recall that, at the time after he became prime minister under the coalition and at the time when he was dividing the nation between strivers and scroungers, I asked him a very important question about the windfall he received when he wrote off the mortgage of the premises in Notting Hill, and I said to him he didn’t write off the mortgage of the one taxpayers were helping to pay for at Oxford.”

Then Skinner delivered the killer line:

          “I didn’t receive a proper answer then. Maybe Dodgy Dave will answer it now.”

When asked to retract his remarks, Skinner asked “which word?”, to which John Bercow said:

“I think he knows the word beginning with ‘D’ and ending in ‘Y’ that he inappropriately used”

This is a couple of minutes that sum up why we love Great Britain. Name calling, public politeness, brutal heckling, but ultimately, order remains.

As ‘Dodgy Dave’ becomes a fully-fledged meme, many online have become enraged at Skinner’s eviction. Now he has become something of an internet hero, with the hashtag #DodgyDave trending all day on Twitter.

Some branded Skinner “the last honest politician left in parliament”, and others angry that he was “ejected for being honest”.

If you catch the news before it goes viral, lets us know at!