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14th Oct 2015

Avoid posting these 3 words…or your Facebook account could be blocked


Paul Moore

This is pretty peculiar

To be honest, we don’t always pay close attention to what some people post on their Facebook wall because it’s usually pictures of cats or food – cue us scrolling towards the ‘unfollow’ button.

But a tech savvy Reddit user has just made a mysterious discovery that blocked people from using Facebook indefinitely.

Close Laptop

According to various sources, if you typed ‘everyone will know’ onto someone else’s Facebook wall, you were instantly blocked from the site.

A company spokesperson told the Huffington Post that it was “a mistake with our spam filter” which has since been repaired. Meanwhile other theorists have suggested this Reddit user, who goes by the name of “System_Requirements”, had malicious intentions with his original post.

Some people argue that by posting this apparent glitch, their intent was to cause a mass spam attack on the algorithm the company uses to measure against unexpected spikes in the frequency of words, thus causing the intent of spam to transform into actual spam.

Regardless of the reason, it caused plenty of mystery and debate among tech-heads. Our money is on those Gremlins in the system, it’s always Gremlins.
