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14th Nov 2018

Theresa May confirms Cabinet has agreed to draft Brexit deal

Wayne Farry

The Prime Minister confirmed the news at Downing Street on Wednesday night

Theresa May has confirmed that her Cabinet has reached a collective decision to back her Brexit draft withdrawal agreement.

Cabinet ministers arrived at Downing Street this evening for face-to-face talks with the Prime Minister, just hours after news emerged that the UK had come to an agreement with the European Union over a draft Brexit deal.

While there is believed to have been open contempt for the deal, the Cabinet approved it.

“The choices before us were difficult, particularly in relation to the Northern Ireland backstop, but the collective decision of Cabinet was that the Government should agree the draft withdrawal agreement and the outline political declaration,” she said while speaking outside of Downing Street.

May also confirmed that she will speak to Parliament regarding the deal, which she has described as “the best that could be negotiated”, tomorrow.

The draft deal – which some believe could trigger no-confidence vote against May – has been released by the European Commission.