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10th Apr 2016

This simple animated gif is great for anyone dealing with anxiety

So simple, yet so relaxing.

Carl Anka

For those living with anxiety, sometimes it’s the smallest aids that help the most.

When things can feel hectic, sometimes it’s best to focus on something simple in order to ‘ground’ yourself.

Try making a short mental list of things you see, smell and hear to better adjust yourself to your surroundings.

Or take up a small task like doodling in a notebook, or trying a small puzzle to help take your mind off things.

Often just focusing on your breathing can help relieve troubles for those living with anxiety.

This follow .gif has gone viral for its calming nature, helping people from all walks of life.

Be it having a problem with anxiety, or just having problems sleeping, sometimes the first step to self care is something as simple as getting your breathing right…

If you have any recommendations as to how to better look after your mental health, send it to, or send us a message on Facebook.


Mental Health