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07th Oct 2015

This American man got so stoned he actually had to call the police

Cops found him curled up in a pile of crisps...

Ben Kenyon

How stoned is too stoned?

One American man might just have found out the answer to that.

The Ohio stoner smoked so much cannabis that he actually phoned the police and told them he was ‘too high’, according to the Youngstown Vindicator.

If that wasn’t bad enough, when the cops came out they found the poor chap curled up in the foetal position, groaning and covered in crisps and biscuits.

The officer who found the 22-year-old man said he “was surrounded by a plethora of Doritos, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish and Chips Ahoy cookies,” and reportedly told police he couldn’t feel his own hands.

Maybe go easy on the green stuff next time, mate.