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15th Oct 2015

This is what a naked woman ‘high on Spice’ did to a US Subway store (NSFW)



If anything will put you off smoking synthetic drugs, it’s this.

A 35-year-old Alaskan woman had reportedly been smoking a little bit of the synthetic cannabis when she went to her local Subway.

Police say she hid in the toilets for two hours before emerging completed naked and going medieval on the place.

KTVA posted a video of the woman destroying the place – smashing furniture, ripping up roof tiles and throwing food.

Police Sgt Shaun Henry told the station: “People described her as ‘a little crazy,’”

“She disrobed, went fully nude and kinda just went nuts,” he added. “Started breaking furniture, destroyed the store, knocked over computers, ripped the ceiling down, sprayed a fire extinguisher all over, locked herself in the bathroom for awhile, broke just about everything you could find.”

Cops arrested the woman and said they believed she was under the influence of the substance ‘Spice’ or ‘K2’.

Some would say stick to weed.

